Magic is equipped much like weapons, and you can cast an array of destructive spells to destroy foes. You can block attacks to deflect incoming damage, or parry an incoming attack to open your opponent and deal critical damage. Each weapon type has light and heavy attacks that you use to chip away at your opponent's health.

Skyrim Special Edition's combat is fairly simplistic, but offers just enough meat to sink your teeth into. Not only is Skyrim dauntingly massive on its own, but this Special Edition also incorporates the previously released DLC, so the vampire-hunting Dawnguard, home-crafting Hearthfire, and ashen wastes of Dragonborn are part of the package.

Regardless of your path, you'll be fighting, exploring, and interacting with NPCs during your travels. After the introduction, you are free to explore the realm, slay dragons, raid crypts and dungeons, or take on more malevolent roles, as you so choose. This is the canvas on which you draw your adventures. The destructive dragon Alduin has returned to the mortal realm with a host of dragons in tow, and the realm of Skyrim finds itself in grave danger. You are Dragonborn, a person born with the soul and power of a mythical dragon. Make no mistake: Skyrim is a great game, but it is probably not worth buying a second time at least not until the mod community catches up. To complicate matters, the 64-bit jump means that many of the complex, script-heavy mods created for the original release don't work in Skyrim Special Edition, leaving PC players with essentially a prettier version of the base game. Unfortunately, Bethesda, the game's developer, made zero changes to the gameplay, interface, or presentation, so the same wonky AI, wooden NPCs, and laughable animations also appear in this game. Skyrim Special Edition improves the visuals, and makes the jump to 64-bit architecture, resulting in a slightly prettier and more stable video game than the original release. The world is overwhelmingly massive, and is chock full of monsters to slay, quests to undertake, dungeons to raid, and beautiful vistas to take in. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim ($19.99 at Humble Bundle) is a sprawling open-world RPG to be reckoned with, even five years after its initial release. 64-bit support limits mod accessibility, crippling the greatest appeal for playing Skyrim on PC.Skyrim Special Edition doesn't offer anything PC players didn't already have via the modding community.How to Get Started With Project Management.How to Find Free Tools to Optimize Your Small Business.How to Set Up Two-Factor Authentication.How to Save Money on Your Cell Phone Bill.How to Free Up Space on Your iPhone or iPad.